24 November 2010

(2010) In Progress Sketches...

Though I have been in the process of moving, and rearranging my life- I have been inspired to draw more often. These are just two main projects I've been working on- and now that I have my computer back, I'll be able to finish them up in no time. But this is simply a sneak peak.

Materials: Graphite

"Step 02"

(2009) Winter Sketches

Materials: Graphite

01 November 2010

(2010) Burlesque Sketches

So my sister took me to a Halloween Burlesque Show, and I decided to get some inspirational reference for my upcoming project "Malifadesa".

Materials: Lead

(2010) Sketches from the Moleskine part01

Some old, some new, all around boredom- and unfinished thoughts.

Materials: Lead

(2010) Playing with Watercolor...

So a few experiments with color and watercolors, and then taking pictures of the pieces (because I don't own a scanner) at the wrong angle... *shrugs* But what you gonna do with laziness.

Materials: Ink, Watercolor