18 July 2011

(2011) Art Spread Sheet

One more day till Comic Con International... so... here is a quick art spread sheet for a quick look at my work.

Enjoy! And wish me luck!

15 July 2011

(2011) Malifadesa Concepts

Good tidings to all, 

SO I shall be attending the International Comic Convention in San Diego next week, so I've been busy drawing drawing drawing, to fill my portfolio up for the Portfolio Review they shall be having. I have been super nervous, and stressed this last week- so I decided to put some of my works up. Below is the first page ideas I have for my comic "Malifadesa" that I am finally working on (only took two years). The rest are concept art pieces for the comic as well. 

Until I get the chance to get to another scanner.

(2011) New Works/Sketches

03 July 2011

CapturedKreativity Stuff

So kicking off the new website with some other fun stuff, below is a business card idea I have and some CD Labels for some CD Portfolio's I'll be submitting... one day... to some people.


